Today’s Smart home communications are an integral part of any high-end home automation system, offering the flexibility to program virtually any function you want automated. You can use your mobile telephone to remotely dim lights or close the curtains in your home, open an automatic pet door out back to let the dog out, or begin playing music to welcome you when you walk in the door. You can even issue a verbal command through your phone to begin filling the bathroom to the right temperature, { in conjunction with Alexa} have the bathroom audio system playing “Davido”, and activate heat sensors that warm up the bathroom floor and towel rail. Virtually any type of automation you can imagine is possible, and you can control it from a telephone.


Home 9 Telephone/Intercom System

Intercom Systems

The intercom is another home automation product that has come a long way. Long gone are the days when you were limited to listening to a disembodied voice at the Front door when someone came calling. Today you can see and speak with whoever is at your door from any room in the home. All that’s needed is a discreet front door camera with microphone that sends an image and audio signal to an electronic touch panel or picture-in-picture window on any television set or PC.

Intercoms also work with internet cameras that connect to your house network and can be accessed by any network TV or Computer. You can quickly and easily check out the baby’s room, activity in the kitchen, or who’s swimming in the pool.


This is only a sampling of the total control over your house’s functions and security systems that telephones and intercoms offer. THSC will design, program, and install multi-user telephone systems with integrated voicemail and intercom functions that allow you to effectively manage personal communications and easily locate other family members or talk between rooms. Additional sophisticated functions include individual voicemail boxes for all family members, call transfer, teleconferencing, automatic or button prompted call-forwarding functions, call paging, and Do-Not-Disturb functions.